Clear & Transparent
Control your healthcare costs between you and your provider, without the middleman
Direct Primary Care Membership fee
Patients/Clients without insurance
0-18 $25/month
19-65+ $80/month
One time visit and telehealth
(perfect for out of town guests or urgent same day appts):
Integrative Health Consult
Weight management/Nutrition Counseling with customized plan Includes:
75 min office visit
ordering of labwork
discounted labs (if no insurance)
comprehensive exam
Lipo and B12 injections for weight loss and energy:
(Injection fee is not billed to insurance, office visit is billed to insurance)
Direct Primary Care Memberships include:
-Unlimited yearly visits
-Annual physical
-Telehealth-Access to the provider via text messaging, video chat
- Discounted Holistic and Wellness services
-Same or next day appointments
-Discounted labs
-Point of care dispensing on most meds-get your meds at time of visit, no wait at pharmacy
*Cancel anytime. We just ask you stay with us for 2 month commitment
*Prices can be subject to change
*3.5% is added to any credit card swipe
*We do accept BCBS and United Healthcare only.