30-Days to Healthy Living Program
What is this?
Diabetic, overweight, trying to conceive, recently diagnosed with high cholesterol or simply want a healthier lifestyle, this 30-day program is perfect as a kickstart to your best self. This program is not meant to be a lose weight quick scheme, but a jumpstart in your overall health and wellness goals.
What does it include?
1.Free individual coaching and group counseling with our Lead Provider, Dr. Manning, DNP, CRNP, FNP-C
2. Free meal plans
3. Non-restrictive, no calorie counting
4. ALL, yes, ALL the products you will need for 30 days
5. Two boxes of protein shake
6. Two boxes of Detox tea
7. Energy Fizz sticks
8. Free gift of Greens balance
9. All for around $8/day
8. Can be done from anywhere in the Country with virtual visits. No need to come in for weigh-ins/measurements.
When can I start?
Next cohort starts 2/4/2019
Sign up by 1/21/19