21 day program to transform your mind, body, and spirit. For anyone who wants a holistic approach to not just lose weight, but the heaviness of the mind and spirit. Next Program September 2023

Health and Wellness Retreat is back! Sessions for mingling, discussions on nutrition, interactive exercises on relationship health, yoga, meditation, and mental health discussions. For adults only. Coming soon!

Need help creating a shopping list and making a dinner that you are cooking less and relaxing more? Meet us once monthly virtually to discuss meal plans.

Join me for an informal chat. Just a safe place to meet, talk, and connect. Meet us for free community events . Check back for calendar.

You love to travel? So do we! Check back for travel dates. Have your passport ready! (also, planning local events in the DMV/Philly/DC area)

Are you a student or business owner and need a goal-mapping meeting. Or looking for medical director for your practice? Lets Connect. I have started 2 practices and currently assist with Consultative and Directorship services with logistics of practice start-up, maintenance. Including legalities, marketing, networking, and administrative support. 15 min brainstorming convo FREE.